Atmospheric and Environmental Research Lab

Peer-reviewed Articles

(*: led by students/associates in Dr. J. Wang's group, Note: copyright of each paper belongs to its corresponding journal or relevant organization(s). Further reproduction or electronic distribution is not permitted)

2025 go to top

222 Hou, W., X. Liu, J. Wang, C. Chen, and X. Xu (2025), Multispectral Land Surface Reflectance Reconstruction Based on Non-Negative Matrix Factorization: Bridging Spectral Resolution Gaps for GRASP TROPOMI BRDF Product in Visible, Remote Sensing, 17(6), 1053, doi:10.3390/rs17061053. paper217
221 Atique, L., S. Javed, M. I. Shahzad, E. Tutsak, M. M. K. Mahfouz, J. Wang, and I. Shahid (2024), A Multidecadal Assessment of Haze Development and Fluctuations in Visibility for Arabian Peninsula, Earth Systems and Environment, doi:10.1007/s41748-024-00531-9. paper217
220 Gradiz, A., X. Qiao, S. Taghvaeian, W.-z. Liang, D. Rudnick, A. Katimbo, J. Wang, and S. Palle (2025), Responses of dry edible bean crop growth and water productivities under different irrigation scenarios in the U.S. high plains, Agricultural Water Management, 308, 109280, doi: paper217
219 Kim, H., X. Chen, J. Wang, Z. Lu, M. Zhou, G. R. Carmichael, S. S. Park, and J. Kim (2025), Aerosol layer height (ALH) retrievals from oxygen absorption bands: intercomparison and validation among different satellite platforms, GEMS, EPIC, and TROPOMI, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 18(2), 327-349, doi:10.5194/amt-18-327-2025. paper217

2024 go to top

218 Castro García, L., J. Wang, M. Christiansen, M. Zhou, X. Chen, K. E. Knowland, C. A. Keller, M. B. Follette-Cook, E. J. Hyer, Z. Adelman, M. Webster, S. A. Epstein, D. Welsh, and R. Biggerstaff (2024), FireAQ: Monitoring Fire and Air Quality Forecasts, EM Magazine, December 2024, 22-28. paper217
217 Chutia, L., J. Wang, H. Zhang, X. Chen, L. Castro Garcia, and N. Janechek (2024), Elucidating the impacts of aerosol radiative effects for mitigating surface O3 and PM2.5 in Delhi, India during crop residue burning period, Atmospheric Environment, 339, 120890, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2024.120890. paper217
216 Deng, W., M. Zhou, J. Wang, Z. Xue, Z. Lu, X. Chen, H. Zhang, D. A. Peterson, E. J. Hyer, and A. M. da Silva (2024), Advancing FRP Retrieval: Bridging Theory and Application, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62, 1-16, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2024.3470538. paper216
215 Zhao, T., J. Mao, P. Gupta, H. Zhang, and J. Wang (2024), Observational Constraints on the Aerosol Optical Depth–Surface PM2.5 Relationship during Alaskan Wildfire Seasons, ACS ES&T Air, 1(9), 1164-1176, doi:10.1021/acsestair.4c00120. paper213
214 Singh, I., R. V. Martin, L. Bindle, D. Chatterjee, C. Li, C. Oxford, X. Xu, and J. Wang (2024), Effect of Dust Morphology on Aerosol Optics in the GEOS-Chem Chemical Transport Model, on UV-Vis Trace Gas Retrievals, and on Surface Area Available for Reactive Uptake, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16(10), e2023MS003746, doi: paper213
213 Xu, X.*, X. Chen, J. Wang, L. A. Remer, Potential of NASA’s Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, and Ocean Ecosystem (PACE) Satellite Observations in the Oxygen Bands for Determining Aerosol Layer Height over Ocean, Journal of Remote Sensing, 4, 0167,, 2024. paper213
212 Sha T.*, S. Yang, Q. Chen, L. Li, X. Ma, Y. Zhang, Z. Feng, K. F. Boersma, J. Wang, Large contribution of soil emissions to the atmospheric nitrogen budget and their impacts on air quality and temperature rise in North China, Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry, 24, 8441–8455,, 2024. paper212
211 Lu, Z., J. Wang., Y. Wang, D. K.Henze, X. Chen, T. Sha, and K.Sun. Aggravated surface O3 pollution primarily driven by meteorological variations in China during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic lockdown period, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 7793–7813,, 2024. paper211
210 Yue, X., J. Zhu, H. Zhou, H. Che, X. Xia, J. Wang, T. Zhao, C. Tian, and H. Liao, The multi-year contribution of Indo-China Peninsula fire emissions to aerosol radiation forcing in southern China during 2013–2019, Science of the Total Environment, 927, 172337,, 2024. paper209
209 Man, W., M. Tao, L. Xu, X. Xu, J. Jiang, J. Wang, L. Wang, Y. Wang, M. Fan, and L. Chen, Improving Aerosol Retrieval From MISR With a Physics-Informed Deep Learning Method, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62, 4102911, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2024.3376598, 2024. paper209
208 Jiang, X., Y. Wang, L. Wang, M. Tao, J. Wang, M. Zhou*, X. Bai, L. Gui, Characteristics of daytime-and-nighttime AOD differences over China: a perspective from CALIOP satellite observations and GEOS-Chem model simulations, J. Geophys. Res. – Atmos., 129, e2023JD039158. 2023JD039158, 2024. paper208
207 Li,C., J. Wang*, H. Zhang, D.J. Diner, S. Hasheminassab, and N. Janechek. Improvement of surface PM2.5 diurnal variation simulations in East Africa for the MAIA satellite mission American Chemical Society, doi:10.1021/acsestair.3c00008, 2024. paper203
206 Gui, L., M. Tao, L. Xu, Y. Wang, J. Wang, L. Wang, L. Chen. Performance of DSCOVR/EPIC diurnal aerosol products over China: Ground validation and intercomparison Atmospheric Research, 301, 107268, 2024. paper203
205 Jin, Z., Q. Pu, N. Janechek, H. Zhang, J. Wang, H. Chang, Y. Liu, A MAIA-like modeling framework to estimate PM2.5 mass and speciation concentrations with uncertainty Remote Sensing of Environment, 3, 113995, 2024. paper203
204 Zhou, M.*, J. Wang, X. Chen*, Y. Wang*, P. R. Colarco, R. C. Levy, and S. D. Miller, First lunar-light mapping of nighttime dust season oceanic aerosol optical depth over North Atlantic from space. Remote Sensing of Environment, 312, 114315, ISSN 0034-4257, 2024. paper203

2023 go to top

203 Wei, J., Z. Li, A. Lyapustin, J. Wang, O. Dubovik, J. Schwartz, L. Sun, C. Li, S. Liu, T. Zhu. Lyapustin, A. et al. First close insight into global daily gapless 1 km PM2.5 pollution, variability, and health impact. Nat Commun 14, 8349, 2023. paper203
202 Xi, X., D. Steinfeld, S. Cavallo, J. Wang, J. Chen, K. Zulpykharov and G. Henebry, What Caused the Unseasonal Extreme Dust Storm in Uzbekistan During November 2021?, Environ. Res. Lett., 114029, 2023. paper203
201 Wei, J.*, J. Wang, Z. Li, S. Kondragunta, S. Anenberg, Y. Wang*, H. Zhang*, D. Diner, J. Hand, A. Lyapustin, R. Kahn, P. Colarco, A. da Silva, and C. Ichoku, Long-term mortality burden trends attributed to black carbon and PM2·5 from wildfire emissions across the continental USA from 2000 to 2020: a deep learning modelling study, The Lancet Planetary Health, 7: e963–75, 2023. paper203
200 Jiang, J., M., M., X. Xu, Z. Jiang, W. Man, J. Wang, L. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. Zheng, J. Tao, and L. Chen. A generalized aerosol algorithm for multi-spectral satellite measurement with physics-informed deep learning method, Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL106806, 2023. paper203
199 Xiao, Q., M. Zhou*, Y. Lyu, J. Lu, K. Zhang, M. Figueiro, J. Wang, and C. Bauer, County-level artificial light at night (ALAN) in the contiguous US (2012–2019): spatial variations, temporal trends, and environmental justice analyses, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, doi:10.1007/s11356-023-30572-y, 2023. paper199
198 Wang, Z., S. Xiao, C. Reuben, Q. Wang, J. Wang. Soil NOx Emission Prediction via Recurrent Neural Networks, Computers, Materials \& Continua, 77, 1, 2023. paper198
197 Tao, M., J. Chen, X. Xu, W. Man, L. Xu, L Wang, Y. Wang, J. Wang, M. Fan, M.I Shahzad and L. Chen. A robust and flexible satellite aerosol retrieval algorithm for multi-angle polarimetric measurements with physics-informed deep learning method, Remote Sensing of Environment, 297, 113763, 2023. paper196
196 Xiao, Q., Y. Lyu, M. Zhou, J. Lu, K. Zhang, J. Wang and C. Bauer, Artificial light at night and social vulnerability: An environmental justice analysis in the U.S. 2012–2019, Environment International, 178, 108096, 2023. paper196
195 Dong, W., M. Tao, X. Xu, J. Wang, Y. Wang, L. Wang, Y. Song, M. Fan, and L. Chen, Satellite Aerosol Retrieval From Multiangle Polarimetric Measurements: Information Content and Uncertainty Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 61, 4101813, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2023.3264554, 2023. paper195
194 Wang, Y*, J. Wang, H. Zhang, N. Janechek, Y. Wang, M. Zhou, P. Shen, J. Tan, Q. He, T. Cheng, C. Cheng, Impact of land use change on the urban-rural disparity of summer temperature in Eastern China, Atmospheric Environ., 308, 119850, 2023. paper194
193 Liu, L., X. Qiao, W. Liang, J. Oboamah, J. Wang. D.R. Rudnick, H. Yang, A. Katimbo and Y. Shi, An Edge-computing Flow Meter Reading Recognition Algorithm Optimized for Agricultural IoT Network, Smart Agricultural Technology, 100236, ISSN 2772-3755, 2023. paper193
192 Wei, J., Z. Li, X. Chen, C. Li, Y. Sun, J. Wang, A. Lyapustin, G. P. Brasseur, and 12 others, Separating daily 1 km PM2.5 inorganic composition in China since 2000 via deep learning integrating ground, satellite, and model data, Environmental Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.3c00272, 2023. paper192
191 Kopacz, M., V. Breeze, S. Kondragunta, G. Frost, S. Anenberg, L. Bruhwiler, S. Davis, A. da Silva, J. de Gouw, r. Duren, L. Flynn, A. Gaudel, M. Geigert, G. Goldman, J. Joiner, B. McDonald, L. Ott, V.H. Peuch, S.E. Pusede, I. Stajner, S. Seftor, C. Sweeney, L.C. Valin, J. Wang, J. Whetstone, S. Kalluri, Global Atmospheric Composition Needs from Future Ultraviolet–Visible–Near-Infrared (UV–Vis–NIR) NOAA Satellite Instruments, BAMS, 104(3), E666–E672, 2023. paper187
190 J. Yorks., J. Wang, M. McGill, M. Follette-Cook, E. Nowottnick, J. Reid, P. Colarco, J. Zhang, O. Kalashnikova, H. Yu, F. Marenco, J. Santanello, T. Weckwerth, Z. Li, J. Campbell, P. Yang, M. Diao, V. Noel, K. Meyer, J. Carr, M. Garay, K. Christian, A. Bennedetti, A. Ring, A. Crawford, M. Pavolonis, V. Aquila, J. Kim, S. Kondragunta, A SmallSat concept to resolve diurnal and vertical variations of aerosols, clouds, and boundary layer height, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 104, E815–E836, 2023. paper187
189 Zhou, Y., T. Wu, Y. Zhou, J. Zhang, F. Zhang, X. Su, W. Jie, H. Zhao, Y. Zhang, and J. Wang, Can Global Warming Bring More Dust?, Climate Dynamics, DOI:, 2023. paper189
188 Zhu, M., B. Place, E.Y. Pfannerstill, S. Tong, H. Zhang, J. Wang, C.M. Nussbaumer, P. Wooldridge, B.C. Schulze, C. Arata, A. Bucholtz, J.H. Seinfeld, A.H. Goldstein, and R.C. Cohen, Direct observations of NOx emissions over the San Joaquin Valley using airborne flux measurements during RECAP-CA 2021 field campaign, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23, 9669–9683, 2023. paper187
187 Shaheen, A., R. Wu, R. Yousefi, F. Wang, Q. Ge, D. G. Kaskaoutis, J. Wang, P. Alpert, and I. Munawar, Spatio-temporal changes of spring-summer dust AOD over the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East: Reversal of dust trends and associated meteorological effects. Atmospheric Research, 281, 106509, 2023. paper187
186 Liang, W., J. Oboamah, X. Qiao, YY. Ge, B. Harveson, D.R. Rudnick, J. Wang, H. Yang, A. Gradiz, CanopyCAM – an edge-computing sensing unit for continuous measurement of canopy cover percentage of dry edible beans, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 204, 107498, 2023. paper186
185 Dang, R., D. J. Jacob, V. Shah, S. D. Eastham, T. M. Fritz, L. J. Michley, T. Liu, Y. Wang, and J. Wang, Background nitrogen dioxide (NO2) over the United States and its implications for satellite observations and trends: effects of nitrate photolysis, aircraft, and open fires, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23, 6271–6284, 2023. paper185
184 Jamal, A., X. Cai, X. Qiao, L. Castro Garcia, J. Wang, A. Amori, and H. Yang, Real-time irrigation scheduling based on weather forecasts, field observations, and human-machine interactions, Water Resources Research, 59, e2023WR035810, 2023. paper185
183 Zhou, M.*, J. Wang, L. Castro Garcia*, X. Chen*, A. da Silva, Z. Wang, M. O. Roman, E. Hyer, and S. D. Miller, Enhancement of Nighttime Fire Detection and Combustion Efficiency Characterization using Suomi-NPP and NOAA20 VIIRS Instruments, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 61, 4402420, 2023. paper183
182 Wei, J.*, Z. Li, J. Wang, P. Gupta, and M. Cribb, Ground-level gaseous pollutants (NO2, SO2, and CO) in China: daily seamless mapping and spatiotemporal variations, Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry, 23, 1511–1532, 2023. paper182
181 Lu, Z.*, J. Wang, X. Chen*, J. Zeng, Y. Wang*, X. Xu , K. E. Christian, J. E. Yorks, E.P. Nowottnick , J.S. Reid, P. Xian, First Mapping of Monthly and Diurnal Climatology of Saharan Dust Layer Height Over the Atlantic Ocean From EPIC/DSCOVR in Deep Space, Geophys. Res. Lett., 50, e2022GL102552, 2023. paper181

2022 go to top

180 Kaaret, P., S. Tammes*, J. Wang, T. Schnell, M. Linderman, C. H. Richey, C. M. Packard, M. Zhou*, and C. A. Fuller. On the Potential of Flaming Hotspot Detection at Night via Multiband Visible/Near-Infrared Imaging, Remote Sensing, 14(19), 5019, 2022. paper180
179 Wang, Y., J. Wang, Y. Wang, and W. Li, Drought impacts on PM2.5 composition and amount over the US during 1988-2018, J. Geophys. Res. – Atmos., 127, e2022JD037677, 2022. paper179
178 Ru, Z. J. Wang, S. Kuhl, L. C. Garcia, X. Qiao and D. Reed, A smart-and-connected low-cost sensor system for measuring air and soil properties in the Central U.S.: first results, IGARSS 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 5720-5723, doi: 10.1109/IGARSS46834.2022.9884823, 2022. paper178
177 Nowottnick, E. P., K. E. Christian, J. E. Yorks, M. J. McGill, N. Midzak, P. A. Selmer, Z. Lu*, J. Wang, S. V. Salinas, Aerosol detection from the Cloud Aerosol Transport System on the International Space Station: algorithm overview and implications for diurnal Sampling, Atmosphere, 13, 1439, 2022. paper177
176 Wei, J.*, S. Liu, Z., Li, C. Liu, K. Qin, X. Liu, R. T. Pinker, R. R. Dickerson, J. Lin, K. F. Boersma, L. Sun, R. Li, W. Xue, Y. Cui, C. Zhang, and J. Wang, Ground-Level NO2 Surveillance from Space Across China for High Resolution Using Interpretable Spatiotemporally Weighted Artificial Intelligence, Environmental Science & Technology, 56, 9988-9998, 2022. paper176
175 Kyba, C. C. M. and other 32 coauthors including J. Wang, Commentary: Multiple angle observations would benefit visible band remote sensing using night lights, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, e2021JD036382, 2022. paper175
174 Ferrada, G. A., M. Zhou, J. Wang, A. Lyapustin, Y. Wang, S. R. Freitas, G. R. Carmichael, Introducing a VIIRS-based Fire Emission Inventory version 0 (VFEIv0), Geoscientific Model Development, 15, 8085–8109, 2022. paper175
173 Chen, X.*, J. Wang, J. Gomes, O. Dubovik, P. Yang, and M. Saito, Analytical prediction of scattering properties of spheroidal dust particles with machine learning, Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2021GL09754, 2022. paper173
172 Li, C. X. Xu, X. Liu, J. Wang, K. Sun, J. van Geffen, Q. Zhu, J. Ma, J. Jin, K. Qin, Q. He, P. Xie, B. Ren, and R. C. Cohen, Direct retrieval of NO2 vertical columns from UV-Vis (390-495 nm) spectral radiances using a neural network, Journal of Remote Sensing, 2022, 9817134, 2022. paper172
171 Li, Z., W. Hou, J. Hong, C. Fan, Y. Wei, Z. Liu, X. Lei, Y. Qiao, O. P. Hasekamp, G. Fu, J. Wang, O. Dubovik, L. Qie, Y. Zhang, H. Xu, Y. Xie, M. Song, P. Zou, D. Luo, Y. Wang, and B.Tu, The polarization crossfire (PCF) sensor suite focusing on satellite remote sensing of fine particulate matter PM2.5 from space, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 286, 108217, 2022. paper171
170 Wang, J., L. Castro-Garcia, G. D. Jenerette, M. Chandler, C. Ge, D. Kucera, S. Koutzoukis, J. Zeng, Resolving and predicting neighborhood vulnerability to urban heat and air pollution: insights from a pilot project of community science, GeoHealth, 6, e2021GH000575, 2022 (Journal Cover Article). paper170
169 Gui, Lu., M. Tao, Y. Wang, L. Wang, L. Chen, C. Lin, J. Tao, J. Wang, C. Yu, Climatology of aerosol types and their vertical distribution over East Asia based on CALIPSO lidar measurements, The International Journal of Climatology, 42(11), 6042– 6054, 2022. paper169
168 Andrews, M. H., P. M. Homyak, P. Y. Oikawa, J. Wang, and G. D. Janerett, Water-conscious management strategies reduce per-yield irrigation and soil emissions of CO2, NO2, and NO in high-temperature forage cropping systems, Agriculture, Ecosystems, & Environment, 332, 107944, 2022. paper169
167 Wei, J.*, Z., Li, K. Li, R. Dickerson, R. Pinker, J. Wang, X. Liu, L. Sun, W. Xue, and M. Cribb. Full-coverage mapping and spatiotemporal variations of ground-level ozone (O3) pollution from 2013 to 2020 across China, Remote Sensing of Environment, 270, 112775, 2022. paper167
166 Zhang, H.*, J. Wang, L. Castro Garcia*, M. Zhou*, C. Ge, T. Plessel, J. Szykman, R. C. Levy, B. Murphy, T. L. Spero, Improving Surface PM2.5 Forecasts in the United States Using an Ensemble of Chemical Transport Model Outputs: 2. Bias Correction With Satellite Data for Rural Areas, J. Geophy. Res.,127, e2021JD035563, 2022. paper166
165 Xie, Y., X. Huang, X. Chen, T. S. L’Ecuyer, B. J. Drouin, and J. Wang, Retrieval of surface spectral emissivity in polar regions based on the optimal estimation method, J. Geophys. Res. – Atmos, 127, e2021JD035677, doi:, 2022. paper165
164 Zhu, J., X. Yue, H. Che, X. Xia, Y. Lei, J. Wang, T. Zhao, X. Yu, H. Zhou, and H. Liao, Contribution of Fire Emissions to PM2.5 and Its Transport Mechanism Over the Yungui Plateau, China During 2015–2019, J. Geophys. Res. – Atmos, 127, e2022JD036734, 2022. paper164
163 Chen, J., R. Li, M. Tao, L. Wang, C. Lin, J. Wang, L. Wang, Y. Wang, and L. Chen: Overview of the performance of satellite fire products in China: Uncertainties and challenges, Atmospheric Environment, 268, 118838, 2022. paper164
162 Tao, M., L. Chen, J. Wang, L. Wang, W. Wang, L. Gui, L. Wang, C. Yu, and Y. Wang*, Characterization of dust activation and their prevailing transport over East Asia based on multi-satellite observations, Atmospheric Research, 265, 105886, 2022. paper163
161 Sha, T., X. Ma, J. Wang, R. Tian, J. Zhao, F. Cao, Y.-L. Zhang: Improvement of inorganic aerosol component in PM2.5 by constraining aqueous-phase formation of sulfate in cloud with satellite retrievals: WRF-Chem simulations, Sci. Total Environ., 804, 150229, 2022. paper162

2021 go to top

160 Lu, Z.,* J. Wang, X. Xu , X. Chen, S. Kondragunta, O. Torres, E.M. Wilcox, J. Zeng Hourly Mapping of the Layer Height of Thick Smoke Plumes Over the Western U.S. in 2020 Severe Fire Season, Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 2, 766628, 2021. paper161
159 Chen, X.*, J. Wang, X. Xu, M. Zhou*, H. Zhang*, L. Castro Garcia*, P. R. Colarco, S. J. Janz, J. Yorks, M. McGill, J. S. Reid, M. de Graaf, S. Kondragunta, First retrieval of absorbing aerosol height over dark target using TROPOMI oxygen B band: Algorithm development and application for surface particulate matter estimates, Remote Sensing of Environment 265, 112674, 2021. paper159
158 Wang, Y.*, J. Wang, R. C. Levy, Y. R. Shi, S. Mattoo, J. S. Reid, First retrieval of AOD at fine-resolution over the coastal shallow and turbid waters from MODIS, Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, e2021GL094344, 2021. paper158
157 Wei, J.*, Z. Li, R. T. Pinker, J. Wang, L. Sun, W. Xue, R. Li, and M. Cribb, Himawari-8-derived diurnal variations in ground-level PM2.5 pollution across China using the fast space-time Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LightGBM), Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry, 21, 7863–7880, 2021. paper157
156 Li, R., M. Tao, M. Zhang, L. Chen, L. Wang, Y. Wang, X. He, L. Wei, X. Mei, and J. Wang, Application potential of satellite thermal anomaly products in updating industrial emission inventory of China, Geophys. Res. Lett., e2021GL092997, 2021. paper156
155 Bian, Q., S. Kreidenweis, J. C. Chiu, S. Miller, X. Xu, J. Wang, R. Kahn, J. Limbacher, L. Remer, R. Levy, Constraining aerosol phase function using dual-view geostationary satellites, J. Geophys. Res. – Atmosphere, 126, e2021JD035209, 2021. paper155
154 Wang, Y., C. Ge, L. Castro Garcia, G. D. Jenerette, P. Y. Oikawa, J. Wang, Improved modelling of soil NOx emissions in a high temperature agricultural region: role of background emissions on NO2 trend over the US, Environmental Research Letter, 16, 084061, 2021. paper154
153 Zhou, M., J. Wang, X. Chen, X. Xu, P. R. Colarco, S. D. Miller, J. S. Reid g, S. Kondraguntah, D. M. Gilese, and B. Holben, Nighttime smoke aerosol optical depth over U.S. rural areas: First retrieval, Remote Sensing of Environment, 267, 112717, 2021. paper153
152 Li, N., K. Tang, Y. Wang*, J. Wang, W. Feng, H. Zhang, H. Liao, J. Hu, X. Long, C. Shi, X. Su, Is the efficacy of satellite-based inversion of SO2 emission model dependent? Environmental Research Letter, 16, 035018, 2021. paper151
151 Chen, X.*, X. Xu, J. Wang, and D. J. Diner, Can multi-angular polarimetric measurements in the oxygen-A and B bands improve the retrieval of aerosol vertical distribution? Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 270, 2021. paper151
150 Sha, T.*, X. Ma, H. Zhang*, N. Janechek*, Y. Wang*, Y. Wang*, L. Castro*, G. Jenerette, J. Wang, Impacts of soil NOx emission on O3 air quality in rural California, Environmental Science & Technology, 55, 7113−7122, DOI:, 2021. paper150
149 Gao, Y., T. Wu, J. Wang, and S. Tang, Evaluation of GPM dual-frequency precipitation Radar (DPR) rainfall products using the rain gauge network over China, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 22(3), 547-559, 2021. paper150
148 Song, J., J. Wang, X. Xia, R. Lin, Y. Wang, M. Zhou, and D. Fu, Characterization of urban heat island using city lights: Insights from MODIS and VIIRS DNB observations, Remote Sensing, 13, 3180, 2021. paper148

2020 go to top

147 Wang, J., S. Roudini*, E. J. Hyer, X. Xu*, M. Zhou*, L. Castro Garcia*, J. S. Reid, D. Peterson, A. Da Silva, Detecting nighttime fire combustion phase by hybrid application of visible and infrared radiation from Suomi NPP VIIRS, Remote Sensing of Environment, 237, 111466, 2020. paper148
146 Wang, J., M. Zhou*, X. Xu, S. Roudini*, S. Sander, T. Pongetti, S. Miller, J. Reid, E. Hyer, R. Spurr, Development of a nighttime shortwave radiative transfer model for remote sensing of nocturnal aerosols and fires from VIIRS, Remote Sensing of Environment, 241, 111727, 2020. paper147
145 Usmani, M., A. Kondal, J. Wang, and A. Jutla, (2020). Environmental association of burning agricultural biomass in the Indus River basin. GeoHealth, 4, e2020GH000281. https:// paper145
144 Hou, W.*, J. Wang, X. Xu*, J. Reid, S. Janz and J. Leitch, An algorithm for hyperspectral remote sensing of aerosols: 3. Application to the GEO-TASO data in KORUS-AQ field campaign, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer., 253, 220. 2020. paper144
143 Bi, L., M. I. Mishchenko,J. Wang, P. Yang, Electromagnetic and light scattering by nonspherical particles XVIII, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 245, 106820, 2020, paper143
142 Ming Zhang, Yingying Ma, Yifan Shi, Wei Gong, Shihua Chen, Shikuan Jin, J. Wang, Controlling factors analysis for the Himawari-8 aerosol optical depth accuracy from the standpoint of size distribution, solar zenith angles and scattering angles, Atmospheric Environment, 233, 117501, 2020. paper142
141 Oozeer, Y., A. Chan, J. Wang, J. S. Reid, S. V. Salinas, M. C. G. Ooi, J. I. Morris, The Uncharacteristic Occurrence of the June 2013 Biomass-Burning Haze Event in Southeast Asia: Effects of the Madden-Julian Oscillation and Tropical Cyclone Activity, Atmosphere 2020, 11, 55, 2020 (Journal front page highlight article). paper141
140 Zhang, H.*, J. Wang, L. Castro García*, C. Ge*, T. Plessel, J. Szykman, B. Murphy, T. Spero, Improving Surface PM2.5 Forecasts in the United States Using an Ensemble of Chemical Transport Model Outputs: 1. Bias Correction With Surface Observations in Nonrural Areas, J. Geophy. Res. – Atmos., 125(14), e2019JD032293,, 2020. paper140
139 Tao, M.,J. Wang, R. Li, L. Chen, X. Xu, L. Wang, J. Tao, Z. Wang, J. Xiang, Characterization of Aerosol Type Over East Asia by 4.4 km MISR Product: First Insight and General Performance, J. Geophy. Res. – Atmos., 125, e2019JD031909., 2020. paper139
138 Lu, X., L. Zhang, T. Wu, M. S. Long, J. Wang, D. J. Jacob, F. Zhang, J. Zhang, S. D. Eastham, L. Hu, L. Zhu, X. Liu, M. Wei, Development of the global atmospheric chemistry general circulation model BCC-GEOS-Chem v1.0: model description and evaluation, Geosci. Model Dev,13, 3817–3838, 2020. paper138
137 Wu, T., F. Zhang, J. Zhang, W. Jie, Y. Zhang, F. Wu, L. Li, X. Liu, X. Lu, L. Zhang, J. Wang, and A. Hu, Beijing Climate Center Earth System Model version 1 (BCC-ESM1): Model Description and Evaluation, Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 977–1005, 2020. paper137
136 Pan, X., C. Ichoku, M. Chin, H. Bian, A. Darmenov, P. Colarco, L. Ellison, T. Kucsera, A. da Silva, J. Wang, T. Oda, and G. Cui, Six global biomass burning emission datasets: intercomparison and application in one global aerosol model, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 969–994, 2020. paper132
135 Wang, Y.*, J. Wang, X. Xu*, D. K. Henze, Z. Qu, and K. Yang, Inverse modeling of SO2 and NO2 emissions over China using multi-sensor satellite data: 1. formulation and sensitivity analysis, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 6631–6650, 2020. paper135
134 Wang, Y.*, J. Wang, M. Zhou*, D. Henze, C. Ge*, and W. Wang, Inverse modeling of SO2 and NOx emissions over China using multi-sensor satellite data: 2. Downscaling techniques for air quality analysis and forecasts, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 6651–6670, 2020. paper132
133 Wang, Y.*, and J. Wang, Tropospheric SO2 and NO2 in 2012 - 2018: Contrasting views of two sensors (OMI and OMPS) from space, Atmospheric Environment, 223, 117214, 2020. paper133
132 Fu, D., Z. Song, X. Zhang, X. Xia, Wang, J., H. Che, H. Wu, X. Tang, J. Zhang, M. Duan, Mitigating MODIS AOD non-random sampling error on surface PM2.5 estimates by a combined use of Bayesian Maximum Entropy method and linear mixed-effects model, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 11, 482-490, 2020. paper132

2019 go to top

131 Zhu, J., X. Xia, H. Che, J. Wang, Z. Cong,, T. Zhao, S. Kang, X. Zhang, X. Yu, and Y. Zhang, Spatiotemporal variation of aerosol and potential long-range transport impact over Tibetan Plateau, China, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 14637–14656,, 2019. paper131
130 Guo, J., T. Su, D. Chen, J. Wang, Z. Li, Y. Lv, Xiaoran Guo, H. Liu, M. Cribb, P. Zhai, Declining Summertime Local‐Scale Precipitation Frequency Over China and the United States, 1981–2012: The Disparate Roles of Aerosols, Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 13281-13289, 2019. paper130
129 Madala, S., S. V. Salinas, J. Miettinen and J. Wang, Numerical simulation of seasonal mesoscale atmospheric flow-field variables using ARW over the Singapore region: impact of land use land cover, Meteorological Applications, 1-14,, 2019. paper129
128 K. Chance, X. Liu, C. Chan Miller, G. González Abad, G. Huang, C. Nowlan, A. Souri, R. Suleiman, K. Sun, H. Wang, L. Zhu, P. Zoogman, J. Al-Saadi, J. -C. Antuña-Marrero, J. Carr, R. Chatfield, M. Chin, R. Cohen, D. Edwards, J. Fishman, D. Flittner, J. Geddes, M. Grutter, J. R. Herman, D. J. Jacob, S. Janz, J. Joiner, J. Kim, N. A. Krotkov, B. Lefer, R. V. Martin, O. L. Mayol-Bracero, A. Naeger, M. Newchurch, G. G. Pfister, K. Pickering, R. B. Pierce, C. Rivera Cárdenas, A. Saiz-Lopez, W. Simpson, E. Spinei, R. J. D. Spurr, J. J. Szykman, O. Torres, and J. Wang, "TEMPO Green Paper: Chemistry, physics, and meteorology experiments with the Tropospheric Emissions: monitoring of pollution instrument", Proc. SPIE 11151, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites XXIII, 111510B (10 October 2019). paper128
127 Christian, K., J. Wang, C. Ge, D. Peterson, E. Hyer, J. Yorks, and M. McGill, Radiative forcing and stratospheric warming of pyrocumulonimbus smoke aerosols: first modeling results with multi-sensor (EPIC, CALIOPSO, and CATS) view from space, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 10,061-10,071, 2019. paper127
126 Zhang, H.*, J. Wang, L. Castro García*, J. Zeng, C. Dennhardt, Y. Liu, and N. A. Krotkov, Surface erythemal UV irradiance in the continental United States derived from ground-based and OMI observations: quality assessment, trend analysis and sampling issues, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 2165-2181, 2019. paper126
125 Xu, X.*, J. Wang, Y. Wang*, J. Zeng, O. Torres, J. Reid, S. Miller, V. Martins, and L. Remer, Detecting layer height of smoke aerosols over vegetated land and water surfaces via oxygen absorption bands: Hourly results from EPIC/DSCOVR satellite in deep space, Atmospheric Measurements and Techniques, 2, 3269–3288, 2019, 2019 (Journal Highlight Article). paper125
124 Qu, Z., D. K. Henze, N. Theys, J. Wang, and W. Wang, Hybrid mass balance/4D-Var joint inversion of NOx and SO2 emissions in East Asia, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmosphere, 124, 8203-8224, 2019. paper124
123 Qu, Z., D. K. Henze, C. Li, N. Theys, Y. Wang*, J. Wang, W. Wang, J. Han, C. Shim, R. R. Dickerson, X. Ren, SO2 emissions estimated using OMI SO2 retrievals (2005-2017), J. Geophys. Res.-Atmosphere, 124, 8336-8359, 2019. paper123
122 Miller, S. D., L. Grasso, Q. Bian, S. Kreidenweis, J. Dostalek, J. Solbrig, J. Bukowski, S. C. van den Heever, Y. Wang*, X. Xu*, J. Wang, A. Walker, T-C. Wu, M. Zupanski, C. Chiu, and J. Reid, A tale of two dust storms: Analysis of a complex dust event in the middle east, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 12, 5101–5118, 2019. paper122
121 Saleeby, S. M., S. C. van den Heever, S. C., J. Bukowski, A. L. Walker, J. E. Solbrig, S. A. Atwood, Q. Bian, S. M. Kreidenweis, Y. Wang*, J. Wang, and S. D. Miller, The influence of simulated surface dust lofting and atmospheric loading on radiative forcing, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 10279–10301, 2019. paper121
120 Zhou, Y., X. Meng, J. H. Belle, H. Zhang*, C. Kennedy, M. Z. Al-Hamdan, J. Wang, and Y. Liu, Compilation and spatio-temporal analysis of publicly available total solar and UV irradiance data in the contiguous United States, Environmental Pollution, 253, 130-140, 2019. paper120
119 Wu, J., N. Bei, B. Hu, S. Liu, M. Zhou*, Q. Wang, X. Li, L. Liu, T. Feng, Z. Liu, Y. Wang, J. Cao, X. Tie, J. Wang, L. T. Molina, and G. Li, Aerosol-radiation feedback deteriorates the wintertime haze in the North China Plain, Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry, 19, 8703–8719, 2019. paper119
118 Wu., J., N. Bei, B. Hu, S. Liu, M. Zhou*, Q. Wang, X. Li, L Liu, T. Feng, Z. Liu, Y. Wang, J. Cao, X. Tie, J. Wang, L. T. Molina, and G. Li, Is water vapor a key player of the wintertime haze in North China Plain?, Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry, 8721–8739, 2019. paper118
117 Song, Z., D. Fu, X. Zhang, X. Han, J. Song, J. Zhang, J. Wang, X. Xia, MODIS AOD sampling rate and its effect on PM2.5 estimation in North China, Atmospheric Environment, 209, 14-22, 2019. paper117
116 Tao, M., J. Wang, R. Li, L. Wang, L. Wang, Z. Wang, J. Tao, H. Che, L. Chen, Performance of MODIS high-resolution MAIAC aerosol algorithm in China: Characterization and limitation, Atmospheric Environment, 213, 159–169, 2019. paper116

2018 go to top

115 Ge, C.*, C. Zhu, C. S. Francisco, X. C. Zeng, J. Wang, A molecular perspective for global modeling of upper atmospheric NH3 from freezing clouds, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 115, 6147-6152, 2018. paper115
114 Fu, D., X. Xia, J. Wang, X. Zhang, X. Li, and J. Liu, Synergy of AERONET and MODIS AOD products in the estimation of PM2.5 concentrations in Beijing, Scientific Report, 8, 10174, 2018. paper114
113 Lennartson, E.*, J. Wang, J. Gu, L. Castro Garcia, C. Ge*, M. Gao, M. Choi, P. Saide, G. Carmichael, J. Kim, and S. Janz, Diurnal variation of aerosol optical depth and PM2.5 in south Korea: a synthesis from AERONET, satellite (GOCI), KORUS-AQ observation, and WRF-Chem model, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 15125–15144, 2018. paper113
112 Li, Z., W. Hou, J. Hong, F. Zheng, D. Luo, J. Wang, X. Gu, and Y. Qiao, Directional Polarimetric Camera (DPC): Monitoring aerosol spectral optical properties over land from satellite observation, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 218, 21–37, 2018. paper112
111 Xu, X.*, J. Wang, J. Zeng, W. Hou, K. G Meyer, S. E Platnick, E. Wilcox, A pilot study of shortwave spectral fingerprints of smoke aerosols above liquid clouds, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 221, 38-50, 2018. paper111
110 Qu, W., J. Wang, X. Zhang, and nine other co-authors, Effect of weakened diurnal evolution of atmospheric boundary layer to air pollution over eastern China associated to aerosol, cloud - ABL feedback, Atmospheric Environment, 218, 21-37, 2018. paper110
109 Iguchi, T., T. Matsui, Z. Tao, D. Kim; C. M. Ichoku, L. Ellison, J. Wang, NU-WRF aerosol transport simulation over West Africa: Effects of biomass burning on smoke aerosol distribution, J. Appl. Meteorol. Clim., 57, 1551–1573, 2018. paper109
108 Diner, D., M. Brauer, C. Bruegge, K. Burke, R. Chipman, L. Di Girolamo, M. Garay, S. Hasheminassab, E. Hyer, M. Jerrett, V. Jovanovic, O. Kalashnikova, Y. Liu, A. Lyapustin, R. Martin, A. Nastan, B. Ostro, B. Ritz, J. Schwartz, J. Wang, and F. Xu, Advances in multiangle satellite remote sensing of speciated airborne particulate matter and association with adverse health effects: from MISR to MAIA, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 12(4), 042603, 2018. paper108
107 Song, J., X. Xia, H. Che, J. Wang, X. Zhang and X. Li, Daytime variation of aerosol optical depth in North China and its impact on aerosol direct radiative effects, Atmospheric Environment, 182, 31-40, 2018. paper107
106 Li, N., Q. He, J. Greenberg, A. Guenther, J. Cao, J. Wang, H. Liao, Q. Zhang, Impacts of biogenic and anthropogenic emissions on summertime ozone formation in the Guanzhong Basin, China, Atmos. Chem. Phys, 18, 7489–7507, 2018. paper106
105 Fu, D., X. Xia, M. Duan, X. Zhang, X. Li, J. Wang, and J. Liu, Mapping nighttime PM2.5 from VIIRS DNB using a linear mixed effects model, Atmospheric Environment, 178, 214–222, 2018. paper105
104 Wang, J., Y. Yue*, Y. Wang*, C. Ichoku, L. Ellison, and J. Zeng, Mitigating satellite-based fire sampling limitations in deriving biomass burning emission rates: Application to WRF-Chem model over the Northern Sub-saharan African Region, J. Geophys. Res.- Atmos., 123, 507–528, 2018. paper104
103 Hou, W., Z. Li, J. Wang, X. Xu*, P. Goloub, and L. Qie, Improving remote sensing of aerosol microphysical properties by near-infrared polarimetric measurements over vegetated land: Information content analysis, J. Geophys. Res., 123, 2215-2243, 2018. paper103
102 Madaala, S., S. V. Salinas, J. Wang, and S-C. Liew, Customization of ARW model over Singapore region: impact of PBL schemes, land use, land cover and model horizontal grid resolution, Meteorol Appl., 1–11., 2018. paper102

2017 go to top

101 Wang, Y., Y. Xie, W. Dong, Y. Ming, J. Wang, and L. Shen, Adverse effects of increasing drought on air quality via natural processes, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17, 12827–12843, 2017. paper101
100 Tao, M., L. Chen, Z. Wang, J. Wang, H. Zheng, W. Wang, J. Tao, X. Xu*, H. Zhu, and C. Hou, Evaluation of MODIS Deep Blue aerosol algorithm in desert region of East Asia: ground validation and inter-comparison, J. Geophys. Res., 122, 10,357–10,368, 2017. paper100
99 Tao, M., Z. Wang, J. Tao, L. Chen, J. Wang, C. Hou, L. Wang, X. Xu*, and H. Zhu, How do aerosol properties affect the temporal variation of MODIS AOD bias in eastern China?, Remote Sensing, 9(8), 800, doi:10.3390/rs9080800, 2017. paper99
98 Xu, X.*, J. Wang, Y. Wang*, J. Zeng, O. Torres, Y. Yang, A. Marshak, J. Reid, and S. Miller, Passive remote sensing of altitude and optical depth of dust plumes using the oxygen A and B bands: First results from EPIC/DSCOVR at Lagrange-1 point, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 7544-7554, doi:10.1002/2017GL073939, 2017. paper98
97 Sharma, A.*, J. Wang, and E. M. Lennartson*, Inter-comparison of MODIS and VIIRS fre products in Khanty-Mansiysk Russia: implications for characterizing gas flaring from space, Atmosphere, 8, 95, doi:10.3390/atmos8060095, 2017. paper97
96 Wang, Y.*, J. Wang, R. Levy, X. Xu, J. Reid, MODIS retrieval of aerosol optical depth over turbid coastal water, Remote Sensing, 9, 595, 2017. paper96
95 Zhu, J., X. Xia, J. Wang, H. Chen, J. Zhang, X. Xu, Robert Levy, M. Oo, R. Holz, M. Ayoub, Evaluation of Aerosol Optical Depth and Aerosol Models from VIIRS Retrieval Algorithms over North China Plain, Remote Sensing, 9, 432, 2017. paper95
94 Chen, X.*, J. Wang, Y. Liu, X. Xu, Z. Cai, D. Yang, C-X Yan, and L. Feng, Angular dependence of aerosol information content in CAPI/TanSat observation over land: effect of polarization and synergy with A-train satellites, Remote Sensing of Environment, 196, 163–177, 2017. paper94
93 Xu, X.*, J. Wang, Y. Wang, D. K. Henze, L. Zhang, G. A. Grell, S. McKeen. and B. Wielicki, Sense Size-Dependent Dust Loading and Emission from Space Using Reflected Solar and Infrared Spectral Measurements: An Observation System Simulation Experiment, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 122, 8233-8254, doi: 10.1002/2017JD026677, 2017. paper93
92 Ge, C.*, J. Wang, J. S. Reid, D. Posselt, P. Lynch, E. Hyer, Mesoscale modeling of smoke transport from equatorial Southeast Asian Maritime Continent to the Philippines: First comparison of ensemble analysis with in situ observations, J. Geophys. Res.- Atmos., 122, 5380–5398, 2017. paper92
91 Qu, Z., D. K. Henze, S. L. Capps, Y. Wang*, X. Xu*, J. Wang, Monthly top-down NOx emissions for China (2005-2012): a hybrid inversion method and trend analysis, J. Geophys. Res.- Atmos., 122, 4600–4625, 2017. paper91
90 Hou, W.*, J. Wang, X. Xu*, and J. Reid, An algorithm for hyperspectral remote sensing of aerosols: 2. Information content analysis for aerosol parameters and principal components of surface spectra, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer., 192, 14-29. 2017. paper90
89 Aegerter, C.*, J. Wang, C. Ge*, S. Irmak, R. Oglesby, B. Wardlow, H. Yang, J. You, and M. Shulski, Mesoscale Modeling of the Meteorological Impacts of Irrigation during the 2012 Central Plains Drought, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 1259-1283, 56, 2017. paper89
88 Shiflett, S., L. L. Liang, S. M. Crum, G. L. Feyisa, J. Wang, and G. D. Jenerette, Variation in the urban vegetation, surface temperature, air temperature nexus, Science of the Total Environment, 579, 495-505, 2017. paper88
87 Zoogman, P., Liu, X., and other ~30 coauthors including J. Wang, Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO), Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer., 186, 17-39, 2017. paper87
86 Zhu, J.*, X. Xia, J. Wang, C. Wiedinmyer, J. A. Fisher, C. A. Keller, Impact of Southeast Asian smoke on aerosol properties in Southwest China: first comparison of model simulations with satellite and ground observation, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., 122, 3904–3919, 2017. paper86
85 Breider, T., L. J. Mickley, D. J. Jacob, C. Ge*, J. Wang, M. Payer Sulprizio, B. Croft, D. A. Ridley, J. R. McConnell, S. Sharma, L. Husain, V. A. Dutkiewicz, K. Eleftheriadis, H. Skov, P. K. Hopke, Multidecadal trends in aerosol radiative forcing over the Arctic: contribution of changes in anthropogenic aerosol to Arctic warming since 1980, J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., 122, 3573–3594, 2017. paper85

2016 go to top

84 Yu, L., F. Zhu, H. Yu, J. Wang, and K. S. Kuo, Feature extraction and tracking for large-scale geospatial data, 2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Beijing, pp. 1504-1507. doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2016.7729384, 2016. paper84
83 Calkins, C., C. Ge, J. Wang, M. Anderson, K. Yang, Effects of meteorological conditions on sulfur dioxide air pollution in the North China Plain during winters of 2006-2015, Atmospheric Environment, 147, 296-309, 2016. paper83
82 Wang, Y.*, J. Wang, X. Xu*, D. K. Henze, Y. Wang, Z. Qu, A new approach for monthly updates of anthropogenic sulfur dioxide emissions from space: implications for air quality forecasts, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 9931–9938, 2016. paper82
81 Ichoku, C., L. Ellison, K. E. Willmot, T. Matsui, A. Dezfuli, C. Gatebe, J. Wang, E. Wilcox, J. Lee, J. Adegoke, C. Okonkwo, J. Bolten, F. Policelli, S. Habib, Biomass burning, land-cover change, and the hydrological cycle in Northern sub-Saharan Africa, Environmental Research Letter, 11, 095005, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/11/9/09500, 2016. paper81
80 Tao, M., L. Chen, R. Li, L. Wang, J. Wang, Z. Wang, G. Tang, and J. Tao, Spatial oscillation of the particle pollution in eastern China during winter: Implications for regional air quality and climate, Atmospheric Environment,, 144, 100-110, 2016. paper80
79 Wang J., A. Kessner*, C. Aegerter*, A. Sharma*, L. Judd*, B. Wardlow, J. You, M. Shulski, S. Irmak, A. Kilic, and J. Zeng, A multi-sensor view of the 2012 Central Plains drought from space. Front. Environ. Sci., 4:45, doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2016.00045, 2016. paper79
78 Tao, M., L. Chen, Z. Wang, J. Wang, J. Tao, and X. Wang, Did the widespread haze pollution over China increase during the last decade? A satellite view from space, Envion. Res. Lett., 11, 054019, 2016. paper78
77 Polivka, T*., J. Wang, L. Ellison, E. Hyer, and C. Ichoku, Improving Nocturnal Fire Detection with the VIIRS Day-Night Band, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience & Remote Sensing, 9, 5503-5519, 2016. (Journal cover article). paper77
76 Hou, W*., J. Wang, X. Xu*, J. Reid, D. Han*, An algorithm for hyperspectral remote sensing of aerosols 1. Development of theoretical framework, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 178, 400-415, doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2016.01.019, 2016. paper76
75 Ding, S*., J. Wang, and X. Xu*, Polarimetric remote sensing in O2 A and B bands: Sensitivity study and information content analysis for vertical profile of aerosols, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 9, 2077-2092, doi:10.5194/amt-9-2077-2016, 2016. paper75
74 Daggumati, S., I. Soares, J. Wu, D. Cao, H. Yu, and J. Wang, Tweether: A Visualization Tool Displaying Correlation of Weather to Tweets, Proceedings of IS&T Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis (VDA), Electronic Imaging, DOI:10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2016.1.VDA-497, February, 2016. paper74
73 Campbell, J. R., C. Ge*, J. Wang, E. J. Welton, A. Bucholtz, E. J. Hyer, E. A. Reid, B. N. Chew, S.-C. Liew, S. V. Salinas, S. Lolli, K. C. Kaku, P. Lynch, M. Mahamud, M. Mohamad, and B. N. Holben, 2016: Applying advanced ground-based remote sensing in the Southeast Asian Maritime Continent to characterize regional proficiencies in smoke transport modeling.J. Appl. Meteorol. Clim., 55, 3-22, DOI:10.1175/JAMC-D-15-0083.1. paper73
72 Wang, J., Clint Aegerter*, Xiaoguang Xu*, and J. J. Szykman, Potential application of VIIRS Day/Night Band for monitoring nighttime surface PM2.5 air quality from space, Atmospheric Environment, 124, 55–63, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.11.013, 2016. paper72
71 Qu, W., J. Wang, X. Zhang, L. Sheng, and W. Wang, Opposite seasonality of the aerosol optical depth and the surface particulate matter concentration over the North China Plain, Atmos. Environ., 127, 90-99, 2016. paper71
70 Zhu, J*., X. Xia, H. Che, J. Wang, J. Zhang, Y. Duan, Study of aerosol optical properties at Kunming in southwest China and long-range transport of biomass burning aerosols from North Burma, Atmospheric Research, 169, 237-247, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2015.10.012, 2016. paper70
69 Ge, C., J. Wang, S. Carn, K. Yang, P. Ginoux, and N. Krotkov, Satellite-based global volcanic SO2 emissions and sulfate direct radiative forcing during 2005–2012, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, 3446–3464, doi:10.1002/2015JD023134, 2016. paper69

2015 go to top

68 Xu, X* and J. Wang, Retrieval of aerosol microphysical properties from AERONET photo-polarimetric measurements: 1. Information content analysis, J. Geophys. Res., 120, 7059-7078, doi:10.1002/2015JD023108, 2015. paper68
67 Xu, X.*, J. Wang, J. Zeng, R. Spurr, X. Liu, O. Dubovik, L. Li, Z. Li, M. Mishchenko, A. Sinyuk, and B. Holben, Retrieval of aerosol microphysical properties from AERONET photo-polarimetric measurements: 2. A new research algorithm and case demonstration, J. Geophys. Res., 120, 7079-7098, doi:10.1002/2015JD023113, 2015. paper67
66 Oikawa P.Y. , C. Ge*, J. Wang, J.R. Eberwein, L.L. Liang, L.A. Allsman, D.A. Grantz & G.D. Jenerette, Unusually high soil nitrogen oxide emissions influence air quality in a high-temperature agricultural region, Nature Communications, 6, 8753, doi:10.1038/ncomms9753, 2015. paper66
65 Qu, W.J., J. Wang , X. Zhang, Z. Yang, and S. Gao, Effect of cold waves on winter visiblity over eastern China, J. Geophys. Res., 120, 2394-2406, doi:10.1002/2014JD021958, 2015. paper65
64 Polivka, T.*, E. Hyer, J. Wang , and D. Peterson, First global analysis of saturation artifacts in the VIIRS infrared channels and the effects of sample aggregation, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 1262-1266, 2015, (Journal cover article). paper64
63 Jie, W., T. Wu, J. Wang , W. Li, and T. Polivka, Using a deterministic time-lagged ensemble forecast with a probabilistic threshold for improving 6-15 day summer precipitation prediction in China, Atmospheric Research, 142-159, 2015. paper63
62 Qu, W.J., J. Wang , X. Y. Zhang, D. Wang, and L. F. Sheng, Influence of relative humidity on aerosol composition: Impacts on light extinction and visibility impairment at two sites in coastal area of China, Atmospheric Research, 153, 500-511, 2015. paper62

2014 go to top

61 Yang, K., S. Carn, G. Cui*, J. Wang , and R. Dickerson, Advancing Measurements of Tropospheric NO2 from Space: New Algorithm and First Global Results from OMPS, Geophysical Research Letter, 41, 4777-4786, 2014. paper61
60 Zhang, F.*, J. Wang , C. Ichoku, E. Hyer, Z. Yang*, C. Ge*, S. Su, X. Zhang, S. Kondragunta, J. Kaiser, C. Wiedinmyer, and A. da Silva, Sensitivity of mesoscale modeling of smoke direct radiative effect to the emission inventory: A case study in northern sub-Saharan African region, Environmental Research Letter, 9, 075002, 2014. paper60
59 Wang, J. , X. Xu*, S. Ding*, J. Zeng, R. Spurr, X. Liu, K. Chance, and M. Mishchenko, A numerical testbed for remote sensing of aerosols, and its demonstration for evaluating retrieval synergy from a geostationary satellite constellation of GEO-CAPE and GOES-R, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer., 146, 510-528, 2014. paper59
58 Peterson, D*., E. J. Hyer, and J. Wang , Quantifying the potential for high-altitude smoke injection in North American boreal forest using the standard MODIS fire products and sub-pixel-based methods, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 3401-3419, 2014. paper58
57 Wang, Q., D. Jacob, J. R. Spackman , A. Perring , J. Schwarz , N. Moteki , E. Marais , C. Ge , J. Wang , S. Barrett, Global budget and radiative forcing of black carbon aerosol: constraints from pole-to-pole (HIPPO) observations across the Pacific, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, 195-206, 2014. paper57
56 Ge, C.*, J. Wang , and J. S. Reid, Mesoscale modeling of smoke transport over the Southeast Asian Maritime Continent: coupling of smoke direct radiative feedbacks below and above the low-level clouds, Atmos. Chem. Phys. , 14, 159-174, 2014. paper56
55 Jie, W., T. Wu, J. Wang, W. Li, The Improvement of 6-15 day precipitation forecasts using a time-lagged ensemble method, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences , 31, 293-304, 2014. paper55

2013 go to top

54 Meland, B. S., Xu, X.*, Henze, D. K., and J. Wang , Assessing remote polarimetric measurements sensitivities to aerosol emissions using the GEOS-Chem adjoint model, Atmos. Meas. Tech. , 6, 3441-3457, 2013. paper54
53 Yang, Z.*, J. Wang , C. Ichoku, E. Hyer, and J. Zeng, Mesoscale modeling and satellite observation of transport and mixing of smoke and dust particles over northern sub-Saharan African region, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. , 118, 12,139-12,157, doi:10.1002/2013JD020644, 2013. paper53
52 Yang, K., R. R. Dickerson, S. A. Carn, C. Ge, and J. Wang, First observations of SO2 from the satellite Suomi NPP OMPS: Widespread air pollution events over China, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, doi:10.1002/grl.50952, 2013. paper52
51 Kessner, A.*, J. Wang , R. Levy, and P. Colarco, Remote sensing of surface visibility from space: A look at the United States East Coast, Atmospheric Environment , 81, 136-147, 2013. paper51
50 Anderson, J.C.*, J. Wang , J. Zeng, G. Leptoukh, M. Petrenko, C. Ichoku, C. Hu, Long-term statistical assessment of Aqua-MODIS aerosol optical depth over coastal regions: bias characteristics and uncertainty sources, Tellus B, 65, 20805, doi:10.3402/tellusb.v65i0.20805, 2013. paper50
49 Xu, X.*, J. Wang , D. Henze, W. Qu, and M. Kopacz, Constraints on aerosol sources using GEOS-Chem adjoint and MODIS radiances, and evaluation with Multi-sensor (OMI, MISR) data, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, 6396-6413, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50515, 2013. paper49
48 Qu, W., J. Wang , S. Gao, and T. Wu, Effect of the strengthened western Pacific subtropical high on summer visibility decrease over eastern China, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, 7142-7156, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50535, 2013. paper48
47 Van Donkelaar, A., R. V. Martin, R. J. D. Spurr, E. Drury, L. A. Remer, R. C. Levy, and J. Wang , Optimal estimation for global ground-level fine particulate matter concentrations, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. , 118, 5621-5636, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50479, 2013. paper47
46 Shahzad, M. I.*, J. E. Nichol, J. Wang , J. R. Campbell, and P. W. Chan, Estimating surface visibility at Hong Kong from ground-based LIDAR, Sun Photometer and operational MODIS products, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 63, 1098-1110, 2013. paper46
45 Peterson, D.*, E. Hyer, and J. Wang , A short-term predictor of satellite-observed fire activity in the North American boreal forest: toward improving the prediction of smoke emissions, Atmospheric Environment, 71, 304-310, 2013. paper45
44 Wang, J., S. Park, J. Zeng, K. Yang, S. Carn, N. Krotkov, and A. Omar, Modeling of 2008 Kasatochi volcanic sulfate direct radiative forcing: assimilation of OMI SO2 plume height data and comparison with MODIS and CALIOP observations, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 1895-1912, 2013. paper44
43 Wang, J., C. Ge, Z. Yang*, E. J. Hyer, J. S. Reid, B.-N. Chew, M. Mahmud, Y. Zhang, and M. Zhang, Mesoscale modeling of smoke transport over the Southeast Asian Maritime Continent: interplay of sea breeze, trade wind, typhoon, and topography, Atmospheric Research , 122, 486-503, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2012.05.009, 2013. paper43
42 Reid, J., E. Hyer, R. Johnson, B. N. Holben, J. Zhang, J. R. Campbell, S. A. Christopher, L. D. Girolamo, L. Giglio, R. E. Holz, C. Kearney, J. Miettinen, E. A. Reid, F. J. Turk, J. Wang, P. Xian, R. J. Yokelson, G. Zhao, R. Balasubramanian, B.-N. Chew, S. Janai, N. Lagrosas, P. Lestari, N.-H. Lin, M. Mahmud, B. Norris, A. X. Nguyen, N. T. K. Oahn, M. Oo, S. Salinas, and S.-C. Liew, Observing and understanding the Southeast Asia aerosol system by remote sensing: An initial review and analysis for the Seven Southeast Asian Studies (7SEAS) program, Atmospheric Research , 122, 403-468, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2012.06.005, 2013. paper42
41 Gao, Y., T. Wu, B. Chen, J. Wang, and Y. Liu, A numerical simulation of microphysical structure of cloud associated with the 2008 winter freezing rain over Southern China, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 91, 101-117, doi: 10.2151/jmsj.2013-202, 2013. paper41
40 Peterson, D.*, J. Wang, C. Ichoku, E. Hyer, and V. Ambrosia, A Sub-pixel-based calculate of fire radiative power from MODIS observations: 1. algorithm development and validation, Remote Sensing Environment, 129, 262-279, 2013. paper40
39 Peterson, D.* and J. Wang, A Sub-pixel-based calculate of fire radiative power from MODIS observations: 2. Sensitivity analysis and potential fire weather application, Remote Sensing Environment, 129, 231-249, 2013. paper39

2012 go to top

38 Holt, E.* and J. Wang, Trends of wind speed at wind turbine height of 80 m over the contiguous United States using the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR), J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 51, 2188-2202 2012. paper38
37 Wang, J., X. Xu*, K. Henze, J. Zeng, Q. Ji, S-C Tsay, J. Huang, Top-down estimate of dust emissions through integration of MODIS and MISR aerosol retrievals with the GEOS-Chem adjoint model, Geophys. Res. Lett. L08802, doi: 10.1029/2012GL051136, 2012. paper37
36 Spurr, R., J. Wang, J. Zeng, and M. Mishchenko, Linearized T-matrix and Mie scattering computations, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer., 113, 425-439, 2012. paper36
35 Fishman, J., J. Al-Saadi, P. Bontempi, K. Chance, F. Chavez, M. Chin, P. Coble, C. Davis; P. DiGiacomo; D. Edwards; J. Goes, J. Herman; C. Hu, L.T Iraci, D. Jacob, C. Jordan, S. R. Kawa, R. Key, X. Liu, S. Lohrenz, A. Mannino, V. Natraj, D. Neil, J. Neu, M. Newchurch, K. Pickering, J. Salisbury, H. Sosik, M. Tzortziou, J. Wang, and M. Wang, Fulfilling the mandate and meeting the challenges of the Nation's next generation of atmospheric composition and Coastal ecosystem measurements, Bull. Amer. Met. Soc., 93, 1457 - 1566, 2012. paper35
34 Hyer, E., J. Wang, and A. Arellano, Biomass Burning - Observations, Modeling, and Data Assimilation, Bull. Amer. Met. Soc., doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-11-00064.1, ES10-ES14, 2012. paper34

2011 go to top

33 Ge, C., M. Zhang, L. Zhu, X. han, and J. Wang, Simulated seasonal variations in wet acid depositions over East Asia, J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc., 61, 1240-1261, doi: 10.1080/10473289.2011.596741, 2011. paper33
32 Gatebe, C. K., E. M. Wilcox, R. Poudyal, and J. Wang, Effects of ship wakes on ocean brightness and radiative forcing over ocean, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L17702, doi: 10.1029/2011GL048819, 2011. paper32
31 Veefkind, J. P., K. F. Boersma, J. Wang, T. Kurosu, N. Krotkov, and P. F. Levelt, Global analysis of the relation between aerosols and short-lived trace gases, Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry, 11, 1255-1267, doi:10.5194/acp-11-1355-2011, 2011. paper31
30 Liu, Y., Z. Wang, J. Wang, E. J. Welton, R. A. Ferrare, R. K. Newson, The effect of aerosol vertical profiles on satellite-estimated surface particle sulfate concentrations, Remote Sensing of Environment, 508-513, 2011. paper30
29 Kopacz, M., D. L. Mauzerall, J. Wang, E. M. Leibensperger, D. K. Henze, and K. Singh: Origin and radiative forcing of black carbon trasnported to the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 2837-2852, doi:10.5194/acpd-11-2837-2011, 2011. paper29

2010 go to top

28 Martin, S., M. O. Andreae, P. Artaxo, Q. Chen, A. Guenther, S. Gunthe, J. Jimenez, T. Karl, A. Manzi, T. Pauliquevis, A. Prenni, U. Poschl, J.Schneider, E. Swietlicki, J. Tota, J. Wang, A. Wiedensohler, and S. R. Zorn, An overview of the Amazonian Aerosol Characterization Experiment 2008 (AMAZE-2008), Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11415-11438, 2010. paper28
27 Wang, J., *X. Xu, R. Spurr, Y. Wang, and E. Drury, Improved algorithm for MODIS satellite retrievals of aerosol optical thickness over land in dusty atmosphere:Implications for air quality monitoring in China, Remote Sensing of Environment, 114, 2575-2583, 2010. paper27
26 *Peterson, D., J. Wang, C. Ichoku, and L. Remer, Effects of lightning and other meteorological factors on fire activity in the North American boreal forest: Implications for fire weather forecasting, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 10, 6873-6888, 2010. paper26
25 Bhattacharjee, P.S., Y.C. Sud, X. Liu, G. K. Walker, R. Yang, and J. Wang, Importance of including ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4) aerosols for ice cloud parameterization in GCMs, Ann. Geophys, 28, 621-631, 2010. paper25
24 Drury, E., D. J. Jacob, R. J. D. Spurr, J. Wang, Y. Shinozuka, B. E. Anderson, A. D. Clarke, J. Dibb, C. McNaughton, and R. Weber, Syntehsis of satellite (MODIS), aircraft (ICARTT), and surface (IMPROVE, EPA-AQS, AERONET) aerosol observations over North America to improve MODIS aerosol retrievals and constrain surface aerosol concentration and sources, J. Geophys. Res., D14204, 2010. paper24

2009 go to top

23 Reid, J., E. J. Hyer, E. M. Prins, D. L. Westphal1, J. Zhang, J. Wang, S. A. Christopher, C. A. Curtis, C. C. Schmidt, D. P. Eleuterio, and J. P. Hoffman, Global monitoring and forecasting of biomass-burning smoke: Description and lessons from the Fire Locating and Modeling of Burning Emissions (FLAMBE) program, IEEE Journal of Special Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (J-STARS) special issue on Fostering Applications of Earth Observations of the Atmosphere, 2, 144-162, 2009. paper23
22 Wang, J., S. C. van den Heever, and J. Reid, A conceptual model for the link between Central American biomass burning aerosols and severe weather over the south central United States, "Aerosol and Precipitation" special issue, Environ. Res. Lett. 4, 015003, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/4/1/015003, 2009. paper22

2008 go to top

21 Zeng, J., Q. Han, and J. Wang, High-spectral resolution simulation of polarization of skylight: sensitivity to aerosol vertical profile, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L20801, doi:10.1029/2008GL035645, 2008. paper21
20 Wang, J., A. A. Hoffmann, R. Park, D. J. Jacob, and S. T. Martin, Global distribution of solid and aqueous sulfate aerosols: effect of the hysteresis of particle phase transitions, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D11206, doi:10.1029/2007JD009367, 2008. paper20
19 Wang, J., D. J. Jacob, and S. T. Martin, Sensitivity of sulfate direct climate forcing to the hysteresis of particle phase transitions, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D11207, doi:10.1029/2007JD009368, 2008. paper19
18 Drury, E., D. J. Jacob, J. Wang, R. J. D. Spurrs, and K. Chance, Improved algorithm for MODIS satellite retrievals of aerosol optical depths over land, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D16204, doi:10.1029/2007JD009573, 2008. paper18
17 Boersma, K. F., D. J. Jacob, H. J. Eskes, R. W. Pinder, J. Wang, and R. J. van der A, Intercomparison of SCIAMACHY and OMI tropospheric NO2 columns: observing the diurnal evolution of chemistry and emissions from space, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D16S26, doi:10.1029/2007JD008816, 2008. paper17

2007 go to top

16 Wang, J., and S. T. Martin, Satellite characterization of urban aerosols: Importance of including hygroscopicity and mixing state in the retrieval algorithms, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D17203, doi:10.1029/2006JD008078. 2007. paper16
15 Nair, U. S., D. K. Ray, J. Wang,  S.A. Christopher, T. Lyons, R.M. Welch, Observational Estimates of Radiative Forcing due to Land Use Change in Southwest Australia, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D09117, doi:10.1029/2006JD007505  paper15

2006 go to top

14 Wang, J., and S.A. Christopher, 2006: Mesoscale modeling of central American smoke transport to the United States, 2: Smoke regional radiative impacts on surface energy budget and boundary layer evolution, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D14S92, doi:10.1029/2005JD006720, 2006. paper14
13 Wang, J., S.A. Christopher, U.S. Nair, J.S. Reid, E.M. Prins, J. Szykman, and J.L. Hand, Mesoscale modeling of Central American smoke transport to the United States, 1: "top-down" assessment of emission strength and diurnal variation impacts, J. Geophys. Res., 11, D05S17, doi:10.1029/2005JD006416, 2006. paper13
12 Gupta, P.,  S. A. Christopher, J. Wang, R. Gehrig, Y-C Lee, and N. Kumar, Satellite remote sensing of particulate matter and air quality over global cities, Atmospheric Environment, 40, 5880-5892, 2006. paper12

2004 go to top

11 Wang, J., X. Xia, P.Wang, and S. A. Christopher, Diurnal Variability of Dust Aerosol Optical Thickness and Angstrom Exponent over Dust Source Regions in China, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L08107, 10.1029/2003GL019580, 2004. paper11
10 Wang, J., U. Nair, and S.A. Christopher, GOES-8 Aerosol optical thickness assimilation in a mesoscale model: Online integration of aerosol radiative effects, J. Geophys. Res., 109, D23203, doi:10.1029/2004JD004827, 2004. paper10
9 Christopher, S. A. and J. Wang, Intercomparison between MISR and Sunphotometer AOT in dust source regions over china: Implication for satellite retrievals and radiative forcing calculations, Tellus 56B, 451-456, 2004. paper9

2003 go to top

8 Wang, J., and S.A. Christopher, Intercomparison between satellite-derived aerosol optical thickness and PM2.5 mass: Implication for air quality studies, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30, 2095, doi:10.1029/2003GL018174, 2003. paper8
7 Wang, J., X. Liu, S.A. Christopher, J.S. Reid, E.A. Reid, and H. Maring, The effects of non-sphericity on geostationary satellite retrievals of dust aerosols, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30, 2293, doi:10.1029/2003GL018697, 2003. . paper7
6 Wang, J., S.A. Christopher, F. Brechtel, J. Kim, B. Schmid, J. Redemann, P.B. Russell, P. Quinn, and B.N. Holben, Geostationary satellite rtrievals of aerosol optical thickness during ACE-Asia, J. Geophys. Res., 108, 8657, doi:10.1029/2003JD003580, 2003. paper6
5 Wang, J., S.A. Christopher, J.S. Reid, H. Maring, D. Savoie, B.H. Holben, J.M. Livingston, P.B. Russell, and S.K. Yang, GOES-8 retrieval of dust aerosol optical thickness over the Atlantic Ocean during PRIDE, J. Geophys. Res., 108, 8595, doi:10.1029/2002JD002494, 2003. paper5
4 Christopher, S.A., J. Wang, Q. Ji, and S.-C. Tsay, Estimation of diurnal shortwave dust aerosol radiative forcing during PRIDE, J. Geophys. Res., 108, 8596, doi:10.1029/2002JD002787, 2003. paper4
3 Liu, X., J. Wang, and S.A. Christopher, Shortwave direct radiative forcing of Saharan dust aerosols over the Atlantic Ocean, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 24, 5147-5160, 2003. paper3
2 Livingston, J.M., P. B. Russell, J.S. Reid, J. Redemann, B. Schmid, D.A. Allen, O. Torres, R.C. Levy, L.A. Remer, B.N. Holben, A. Smirnov, O. Dubovik, E.J. Welton, J.R. Campbell, J. Wang, and S.A. Christopher, Airborne sunphotometer measurements of aerosol optical depth and columnar water vapor during the Puerto Rico Dust Experiment, and comparison with land, aircraft, and satellite measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 108, 8588, doi:10.1029/2002JD002520, 2003. paper2

1999 go to top

1 Chen, H., S. J. Sun, N. F. Bei, J. Wang, B. Y. Zhang, C. X. Du, C.Z. Yi, and S. X. Zhao, Short range heavy rain numerical prediction in the IAP, CAS during rainy season of 1998, Climate Environment Research, 3, 382-389, 1999, China. paper1